Imperial Beasts is a world where humanity has learned and adapted many different survival and fighting techniques from animals.

Drayun is who we follow as he tries to find his true place in this world despite being Born in the Tiger region.

Thea has been tired of the Tiger regime since a child, and joins Drayun on a journey to find a better life.

For the past few centuries, snake regions  are not unified and have been clashing ever since. Most snake fighters combine techniques of many different species of snakes, but the viper or cobra are most common.

The Mantis regions are believe to have been a creation of a sort of transcendent energy. Throughout the years, the mantis style has developed out of a more analytical, yet metaphysical approach to battle, using it as a tool to obtain greater truths about reality.

The Eagle regions have been thought to keep peace throughout the warring lands. An eagle fighter is known to balance both a logical and passionate or aggressive nature.

The leopard style was exclusively taught to women warriors for most of its history, as they were known to combine great strength with strategic and agile movements to overcome stronger opponents. Originally developed for battlefield, it soon became perfect for gladiator style fighting.

After many years of warring, Crane societies are now instinctual to maintain peace. 

ASHA wants nothin more than to take fate in her own hands, as she searches for those who took everything from her as a child.

Throughout history, the tiger empire has conquered many sub-styles, adapting techniques and evolving their own.   

Bruyen Is a Master Black Smith who wants to travel the world and make the most unique weapons.

Panthers seem to be very protective of a valuable intel, which explains their tight organizations. Specifics of the Panther societies are clouded as their warring styles were adapted for the dark and forested areas, but eventually adapted to fit battle needs of any terrain or situation. 

Sunny(Sun Wu) is a witty and resourceful kid, perhaps to smart for his own good, who is really excited to meet Drayun, after learning something special about him.

The wild boar region terrorized many villages throughout history, and created an evolved primal style of warring. 

Ving Is the first of her kind to create a completely new system from combining 2 different animal styles. She is the only warrior who can mentor Drayun to help him understand his place in this world.